Review Tui Update
It’s been a little while since we had some significant news to share. Luckily that time has finally rolled around and we have some exciting new updates to showcase! But before we go into the details of the new features we’ve had a bit of an epiphany.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘great, another software company with an existential dilemma.’ Don’t worry, we’re not having a crisis of identity. What we had was a minor realisation. See, the mission for Review Tui is simple. We want to make customer feedback feed business growth. From making it easy to share great experiences with prospective customers to hone in on areas a business needs to improve the software will power customer feedback like never before.
This has meant our recent focus has been survey-side.
Key to every customer portal is the survey tool, where you can ask questions of your customers and gather responses. After some significant beta-tester feedback we’ve pooled our resources into ensuring users can gather the right information from respondents. To us, this comes in the form of not only being able to ask the right questions but encouraging clear and effective responses from every respondent.
The result? Two new question response types.
The slider
Those of you still stuck in an NPS rut will be familiar with this one. You set the bottom and top figures and enable the respondents to select their answers on a scale of X to Y. The classic use case here is ‘on a scale of 1-10 how likely are you to recommend XXX business to a friend or colleague?’.
We particularly like this for questions such as:
- On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being very poor and 10 being exceptional, how would you rate the quality of the linen in your room?
- On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being very poor and 10 being exceptional, how would you rate the service you experienced from our staff?
- On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being very poor and 10 being exceptional, how would you rate the cleanliness of your room on arrival?
The fixed attribute slider is the perfect response type where the question is clear, applicable to all respondents, and can be measured on a scale.
The shuffler
This one is a favourite amongst businesses looking to see which of their products/features/attributes are most valued by customers that experienced them. With this answer type, the respondent is asked to rank the following values in order. The added bonus we have in this response type is that respondents can dismiss any that aren’t relevant, either because they didn’t experience that value or it isn’t relevant to them.
For example, you might own a hotel and want respondents to rank the most impactful elements of their stay from the following options:
- Late checkout
- Turn down service
- On-site restaurant
- Staff friendliness
- Art/decor
With the new Review Tui shuffler, the respondent can rank them in order of importance while also ticking any that aren’t applicable. They might not have used the restaurant, for example, so giving it a rank would be misleading.
In addition to these new features, we have several upgrades to the UI in the works to make the platform more intuitive. As more people begin to test the platform it’s clear that some people find certain features less easy to use due to their complexity. We want all features to be equally easy for anyone to use so improvements must be made.
Stay tuned for more features as they come! Don’t forget you can sign up to be part of the next phase of testing by clicking the button below.