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Posts about Customer satisfaction:

NPS vs CSAT - which is better?

NPS vs CSAT: Which is better?

When it comes to improving your business, understanding your customers should be your first step. That’s why brands around the world have adopted metrics like Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) to track and measure customer satisfaction.

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How to review customer satisfaction

How to review customer satisfaction

The happier your customers are, the more successful your business will be. It’s that simple. The real question is, how do you measure, monitor, and assess customer satisfaction effectively?

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Improve customer retention

How to improve customer retention

Many businesses are starting to notice that converting existing customers is far more economical than investing in prospective buyers. That’s because current customers already know about the brand and need what they offer, compared to new buyers who may need more convincing. In fact, converting an existing client is 60-70% likely to succeed, compared to only 5-20% for newly acquired sales leads.

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Customer retention strategy

Top 5 customer retention strategies

Losing customers is bad news for any business which is why many companies are trying to improve their customer retention strategies. And it’s well worth keeping your existing customers satisfied because loyal customers spend 67% more than new customers.

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What is voice of the customer?

What is the 'Voice of the Customer?'

In today's age of instant gratification, consumers have higher expectations than ever and many brands are increasing their investments in Voice of the Customer (VoC) programmes just to keep up. But you’re probably wondering, what exactly is the Voice of the Customer? This article will explain everything you should know to tune into what your customers are saying so you can turn it into success.

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Improve customer experience

What are the fastest ways to improve Customer Experience?

Customers are one of the most important assets of any business, which is why keeping them happy should be a priority. The best way to keep track of this is using Customer Experience (CX), which measures how people perceive your brand and how they feel when interacting with it.

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What does CX stand for?

What does CX stand for?

You’ve probably heard of UX (User Experience), but have you ever heard of CX? Don’t worry if you haven’t, you’re not alone. In fact, the term “CX”, or “Customer Experience”, is not as widely known as it ought to be. That’s why, in this article, you’ll find out everything you need to know about Customer Experience including what it is, why it matters and how to manage it effectively. 

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Customer Experience (CX) explained

What is Customer Experience and why is it important?

The Customer Experience is an incredibly important part of a business, but it's still not widely understood. In fact, many companies are failing to prioritise their most valuable assets - their customers. That’s why we’ve written this blog, to show why you should focus on your Customer Experience and how it can accelerate your success. 

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Top 5 CSAT platforms

Top 5 CSAT platforms

Customers who are satisfied with a product or service are more likely to recommend it to others, which makes them a powerful marketing tool for businesses. On the other hand, an unhappy customer can be detrimental to a business's reputation which is why it’s so important to measure your customers’ satisfaction and adjust your processes to suit them better. The best way to do that is to use a Customer Satisfaction survey (CSAT) to collect data from customers along their customer journey and use your findings to make positive changes.

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Which is better, NPS or CSAT?

NPS or CSAT, which is better?

Using the best metric for measuring your customer satisfaction puts you in the strongest position to assess your customer’s experience. For the most part, a quantitative metric is the best option because it gives you something to measure your progress against. Whether it’s NPS or CSAT, we’re here to guide you toward the metric that will give you the best possible results.

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Understanding a customer effort score (CES)

What is a Customer Effort Score? (CES)

If you are considering ways to improve your business, taking a look at your Customer Effort Score (CES) is a smart place to start. CES is a service metric designed to measure the effort it takes customers to interact with your business. That can mean anything from how much effort it takes to use a product you sell, to how easy it is to get a problem resolved with your customer service team. Essentially, your CES will show you whether your business is approachable and customer-friendly, or difficult and intimidating. 

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What do customer satisfaction surveys do?

What do customer satisfaction surveys do?

Customer satisfaction surveys are used by businesses in every industry and have been for decades. Whether conducted over the phone, completed online or posted to customers they are an easily identifiable part of ‘customer service’. 

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Best tool for customer satisfaction surveys

What is the best tool for customer satisfaction surveys?

Tracking and measuring your customer’s satisfaction is the best way to know what you’re excelling at and where you need to improve. Keeping your customers happy is crucial to success and encourages customer loyalty, so developing a strategy to perfect it is crucial. You can survey your customers to gather helpful information from them, but knowing what to ask and why is a challenging task. Fortunately, there is a wide range of platforms available to support your customer satisfaction efforts and useful tools to collect or analyse the responses. In this blog we’ve put together a summary of all there is to know about making a winning strategy for your customer’s satisfaction. 

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Why customer complaints are good for business

Why customer complaints are good for business

Even though it sounds counter-intuitive, a customer complaint is actually one of the best ways for a company to grow and succeed. Complaints are far from being the final nail in a corporation's coffin, despite their appearance as such. It is all too common for customer complaints to be received with angst, or perceived as an assault on people's hard work. Rather, they provide valuable insights into your business, and there are many reasons why they can help you grow.

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What is NPS?

What is NPS®?

NPS®, or the Net Promoter Score/System®, has become one of the most widely used customer satisfaction metrics in modern business. It’s used by over two-thirds of Fortune 1,000 companies and while it isn’t perfect it has been the go-to for measuring customer satisfaction for almost 20 years. But what is NPS®, how is it calculated, and is it the right calculation for your business to monitor customer satisfaction?

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5 best NPS platforms

5 best NPS® platforms

The Net Promoter Score (NPS®) is used by over two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies. Since its inception over 20 years ago, it has become a mainstay of business performance indicators. Companies will proudly promote their score on LinkedIn and management will focus on its rise and fall in executive summaries.

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Customer satisfaction survey questions

Customer satisfaction survey questions

Customer satisfaction surveys are increasing in popularity throughout businesses all over the world. They are integral to helping companies measure customer sentiment and satisfaction with their product or service. Not only can they help by providing your business with some quick wins, but they also fuel long-term growth and success.

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The pros and cons of using NPS

The pros and cons of using NPS

If you’re in business, we’re sure you would have come across the term NPS. But do you know what it means for your organisation? We thought we’d give you an overview of what an NPS score is, what it does, and why so many businesses rely on it for measuring their client's satisfaction. To broaden your horizon, we’re also going to cover why NPS is a poor system to use and why using a more expansive feedback system is better for gaining real insights on what a customer loved, and didn't like, about the service or product you provided. Without further ado, let’s dive deep into all things NPS!

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What is an NPS score

How do you calculate NPS?

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) calculation is a mathematical equation which takes the percentage of customers rating your business highly versus those that do not think very highly of your business. By taking these promoters and comparing them to your detractors a business can see, in a simplified score, whether they are satisfying their customer base, or failing them.

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Learn how to respond to negative reviews

How to respond to negative feedback

Receiving negative feedback can be quite an emotional experience, especially when you’ve invested yourself in the experience your customers receive. It can often feel like a personal attack and you can feel robbed of the opportunity to protect your reputation when that negative feedback is shared online for the world to see.

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What is the best way to measure customer satisfaction?

Measuring customer happiness

Customers are fickle creatures. The vast majority may love you for a short period of time but with so many other businesses vying for their attention they’re quick to forget the effort you put into making them happy. Even when you have a loyal base of customers all it takes is one foul step and that loyalty is gone.

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Gather more customer reviews

Review Tui | May update

It's time to look back at the previous month and update you on the progress we've made with the main application and how we're tracking towards launch.

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How to increase your public reviews

April Update

It's time for our monthly recap on what's new and what's to come but with the added impact of a global shutdown to contend with! In March we were confident that disruption to the app's development would be minimal as we could easily continue from home but in reality the situation proved very different.

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Which platform is the best for gathering customer feedback and online reviews?

Review platform review

It’s difficult asking for customers to leave reviews or testimonials but there are a breadth of platforms out there designed to make this task slightly easier. In this article we'll explore a few of them to help you find the right one for your business.

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NPS® isn't the best way to measure customer satisfaction and business success. Here's why.

Why NPS® is an irrelevant metric

If you’re not familiar with NPS® it stands for Net Promoter Score® and is a calculation used across the world by businesses large and small to ascertain whether their overall customer experience is positive or not. It is mostly based on a score from 1 to 10 with the following question at its core “on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being not at all likely and 10 being very likely how likely are you to recommend [insert business name] to someone else?”.

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